Electron Storage Inc.

Senior Advisory Services
For a battery startup when the CEO left and the Chairman had to step in assisted in the transition, attended critical meetings to reassure investors and stakeholders, provided strategic planning advice, recommended investment bankers and attended and presented at many investor meetings while working behind the scenes to keep critical employees engaged and informed.
For an advanced energy savings technology reworked the presentation highlights, detailed where the company fit in the global warming community, and provided introduction to key lobbyists and government organizations.
Researcher Assistance:
For a major research team assisted them in finding vendors for critical technologies based on experiences and connections in Europe.
Distributed Power Evaluation
For a major real estate company, evaluation of a complex interconnection proposal and upsizing of an existing off-grid power generation system to allow it to provide distributed generation into the grid.
Merchant Frequency Regulation
For a building owner wanting to enter the frequency regulation business, evaluation of the physical and economic issues of a proposed 1 MW battery frequency regulation system. Initial pro-forma projections conveniently left out power losses from the battery.
Storage Solutions Overview
An overview of battery storage technologies and key considerations for a major developing country solar developer.
Investor Evaluation
An assessment for an investor group of the technology and business prospects of an new advanced lead acid battery company.
An assessment for an investor group of a lithium ion battery manufacturer and the steps required to make a pack.
Startup Strategy
For an early stage company with a dramatic breakthrough in anode technology we rewrote their strategic and investor summaries and refocused the company to focus on ultra-capacitors as an initial product and began negotiations with economic development authorities for their pilot plant.